Organizations & Businesses That Care About You and Your Right to Vote
All of Hawaii will be voting by mail beginning in 2020 and these organizations and businesses want you to participate safely. They know your voice, choice and vote matter because this election will determine who will help lead our recovery in the months and years ahead.
Endorsement Statement
“This year, Hawaii is adopting vote-by-mail as the standard for our elections. To ensure our community will have their voice and vote be safely counted, we, the undersigned organizations and businesses commit to share vote-by-mail information and important dates with our employees, members and customers.”
The Vote By Mail Sign-on Commitment
The undersigned organizations and businesses have committed to share vote-by-mail information. Their members, customers and employees are found across all of Hawaii, in every zipcode on every island. We know that by sharing information and important dates on how and when to vote-by-mail in Hawaii, more people will participate.
Register Your
Organization or Business
Office of Elections Video
This two minute video explains the entire process. Give it a watch then you can Vote-By-Mail with confidence.