Prepare for Disasters or Make a Disaster Kit

IMPACT – Why should you invest your time in this service project?

Disasters are notable for their scale, unpredictability or both. A house fire, flash flood, hurricane or tsunami can leave devastation in its wake. The impact of such an event is often most severe for people who failed to plan for emergencies.

By making your own disaster preparedness kit now your can tailor your kit to fit your needs. You can follow a simple list and add to it as you learn more. If you live in an area that may come under evacuation orders please make sure you can transport your own kit.

Remember, in Hawaii our emergency management agencies recommend that we should be prepared to be self-sustaining for 14 days.


Water: 1 gallon per person per day. This is for all your drinking and hygiene needs. If you are sheltering in place, please use containers to hold water for you. There are several kinds of devices one can obtain. There is no need to rush out and purchase bottled water. Also, consider water purification.

Food: Remember, this will be non-perishable food! One practice is to prepare your kits now, place it to the side and recycle the non-perishable food items next year.

Cash: It is best to include cash as part of your own disaster preparedness kit. Smaller bills may be best but make sure your can keep your cash safe from thieves.


Prepare a family or support network phone tree. Practice contacting your family or support network with a text message or phone call once a month.

Make a disaster prepared party at home. Have each member of your household design and prepare their own kit. Use one of the lists on the links provided to make sure their kits are complete.

Find a small luggage bag or duffel style roller-bag for easy transport.

Resources & Examples

Here is a simple guide to help you

Here is some sage advice from AARP

Here is FEMA’s guide

Here are a couple of guides to help you make your drinking water safe if needed:
CDC – Center for Disease Control
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency

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