Sierra Club Hawai’i Island Group
With 50 years and counting under our belt, the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi is working to advance climate solutions, act for justice, get outdoors, and protect Hawai‘i’s lands, water, air, and wildlife.Explore, Protect and enjoy Hawaiian native ecosystems.

Lyon Arboretum
To inspire and cultivate the conservation of tropical plant biodiversity, and connect it to the culture of Hawaiʻi through education and research.

Project Hawaiʻi, Inc
Project Hawai’i, Inc. is a nonprofit organization is run 100% by volunteers and solely supported by public donations to help end the cycle of poverty and homeless among our children. We provide interactive programs to help our homeless children to succeed.

Mālama Maunalua
We are kamaʻāina and malihini. Working professionals and retirees. School kids. Full-time staff members and dedicated volunteers. Together we are Mālama Maunalua, a community-based, non-profit stewardship organization committed to conserving and restoring a healthy and productive Maunalua Bay.

Mālaʻai operates a one-acre learning garden at Waimea Middle School (WMS) and administers the Hawaii Island School Garden Network (HISGN). We offer place-based, hands-on education with a strong cultural component to all 262 students at WMS through their Science, Health/PE, BPA, Social Studies and Ike Hawaiʻi classes. We also serve the larger Waimea community through…

Hawai‘i Foodbank
Hawai’i Foodbank works with around 200 partner agencies to distribute mass quantities of perishable and nonperishable foods on Oahu and Kaua’i. Most of the food we distribute out to the community is donated to us and salvaged. Last year, the Hawai’i Foodbank distributed more than 17 millions pounds of food from our warehouse locations, helping…

Hawaii Green Growth
We are interested in partnering to drive progress on our collective sustainability goals. Please reach out to discuss opportunities at info@hawaiigreengrowth.org.

Hui o Ko’olaupoko
HOK addresses environmental problems by focusing on community-based watershed restoration. HOK implements on-the-ground projects that directly address watershed and water quality issues. Projects including riparian restoration, low-impact retrofits (LIR) and residential rain gardens are vetted and prioritized to produce the greatest positive impact on water quality and ocean health.

National Tropical Botanical Garden
The mission of the National Tropical Botanical Garden is to enrich life through discovery, scientific research, conservation, and education by perpetuating the survival of plants, ecosystems, and cultural knowledge of tropical regions. National Tropical Botanical Garden is committed to building and nurturing our valuable volunteer team. We believe having a passionate, responsive and dynamic volunteer…