Partners In Care | Oahu’s Continuum of Care
Partners In Care’s mission is to eliminate homelessness through open and inclusive participation, and the coordination of integrated responses.
Partners In Care’s mission is to eliminate homelessness through open and inclusive participation, and the coordination of integrated responses.
The initiative to integrate Service-Learning into course curriculum at Kapi‘olani Community College began in 1995. Since then, S-L has become increasingly institutionalized and is recognized as a student engagement pedagogy which faculty are encouraged to adopt, especially as the College develops a new ecology of learning—connecting classrooms, centers and labs, campus, community, countries abroad, and…
Pu‘uhonua Society creates opportunities for Native Hawaiian and Hawai‘i-based artists and cultural practitioners to express themselves and engage with and impact audiences. We support artists and makers who serve as translators/mediators/amplifiers of social justice issues in the community.
Every Saturday morning, we meet at Morgan Ponds at Lydgate Beach Park on the east side of Kauai to maintain and preserve the beach and surrounding area. We meet near the lifeguard tower at 8:30 am and finish at approximately 10:30 am. We serve coffee and treats during cleanup and enjoy some time hanging out…