Hoʻomalu Ke Kai

Hoʻomalu Ke Kai

Taking on an all-encompassing role to ocean conservation, we carry out our mission through underwater and shoreline marine debris removal, marine debris and ocean bound plastic upcycling, intertidal and coral reef ecosystem surveying and monitoring, water quality testing, and educational outreach; engaging the community through hands-on learning.

Hui o Hoʻohonua

Hui o Hoʻohonua

Hui o Hoʻohonua is a community networking hub with three programs that serve the ʻEwa, Oʻahu communities of Honouliuli, Waipahu, and Mānana. Our hui works to combat social-environmental injustices that have impacted our ability to care for ourselves through land stewardship, public ʻāina based educational programming, and weaving a lei or partnerships that benefit Hawaiʻis…



Connecting people and places. PATH promotes safe, accessible active transportation options throughout Hawai’i Island.PATH facilitates regular bike education classes for our youth and adults. Students are introduced to bike safety, practice riding safely in individually and together, and they can receive a free bike helmet to protect their noggin.

Healing Horses Kauai

Healing Horses Kauai

Healing Horses Kauai’s Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) services are built on a foundation of respect, empathy, trust, love, cooperation and empowerment with regards for humans of all abilities and equines alike. Healing Horses, Kauai strives to empower each individual to address and challenge their unique needs physically, emotionally, cognitively, and socially.