Waipuna Chapel

What We Do
Distribute food from the Maui FoodBank at the Paia Public parking lot on Monday’s from 9am to 10am. We average between 50 and 80 people per week picking up a variety of food. We need volunteers to help distribute food, shop at the MauiFoodbank, bag cat and dog food,etc
Who We Are
Waipuna Chapel is a non-denominational Christ centered community of Faith. Our mission is to journey with people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by loving God, loving others, and serving the world.
Cause Areas
Keiki, Kupuna, Special Needs, Gender & Equality, Food Insecurity, Housing & Homelessness, Social Services, Health & Wellness, Preparedness & Response, Community Engagement, Military & Veterans, Non Profit Support
Waipuna Chapel
Volunteer Opportunities
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