Three Ring Ranch Exotic Animal Sanctuary

What We Do
Mission and Vision Our mission is to positively impact the environment while educating Hawaii’s children about their place in the natural world. Our goal is to assist in the development of an environmentally responsible generation of youth. We teach about the fragile ecosystem we impact on a daily basis, while giving visitors a rare chance to see the animals up close. Exotic and non-releasable native animals live out their natural lives at the facility as residents. We are Hawaii’s only accredited animal sanctuary. We do not buy, sell or breed animals. We strive to improve the lives of those animals in our care. There is a critical need for our facility in Hawaii. We educate the public through all our program venues and see that this is vital and requires constant expansion of our own knowledge and improvement of our own volunteer team. We adhere to the policies and guidelines of our accreditation bodies and will always assist in actions that result in the improvement of animal lives here in Hawaii and across the globe. And we assist in creating or strengthening policies that protect animals. Founded in 1998 we are Hawaii’s only accredited animal sanctuary and Hawaii’s only exotic animal sanctuary. We serve as a residence, foster home and referral source for many different species of animals from exotic, avian, herps and farm. We educate and advocate for animals rights and gradually the educational component has become more and more impactful. We host multiple residential internships for pre-vet and vet students, high school students and international. volunteers. Over time those students have gone on to be animal advocates, teachers, vets, biologists etc. This history has led us to see that we have to focus on the animal and human connection.
Who We Are
We are 100% volunteer run. That means our core team care for over 130 animal residents 365 days a year. We have 2 types of volunteers, Keepers who come daily to provide the direct hands on animal care and Irregulars who come to assist in vital facility care, habitat care/construction, landscape and green care. Keepers are here set hours for set tasks. Irregulars are here for scheduled tasks/programs on irregular dates.To learn more and to volunteer email Ann.
Cause Areas
Animals|Environmental Conservation