Teran James Young Foundation

What We Do
We are the Teran James Young Foundation (TJYF), a 501(c)3 nonprofit established here on Maui. Our focus is on creating Peace and Sustainability programs in the world. The peace and sustainability programs of the Teran James Young Foundation work in tandem to bring about peace in the world, helping Maui’s youth to thrive and develop into effective and compassionate leaders through NVCnextgen and Hale Pono, aiding our community in peaceful conflict resolution with Maluhia Mediation, and endeavoring to move away from our current punitive justice system toward a more compassionate, integrative one, through our Restorative Justice Center.
Who We Are
The Teran James Young Foundation funds programs organized, directed, and overseen by Dr. Genesis Young and his dedicated team of administrators, teachers, and assistants. Training teachers and students in the skills and tools of Nonviolent Communication in many of the county’s schools and extending those trainings to parents and caretakers has led to success in expanding their programs in Peer Mediation and Restorative Justice.
After learning of the critical need for a Teen Shelter on Maui while offering these services to the community, Sulara & Genesis decided to create Hale Pono, a center dedicated to offering temporary residence, assistance, and services to youth of Maui ages 12 – 17 who are in need of them. The shelter will house up to 14 teens and provide meeting spaces and offices to offer services to the community and to the residents seeking a safe, loving, and supportive refuge. Hale Pono serves as a center based on unconditional love, trust, kindness, compassion, peace, and hope.
The purpose of the Teran James Young Foundation is to help create peace in the community and in the world by funding and offering a wide range of services to benefit the youth and community of Maui. At the foundation of Sulara and Genesis’s desire to serve is the belief that each person of any age is precious, and that love, honor, and respect are the keys to supporting and encouraging everyone’s gifts, happiness, self-respect, and success in life.
Cause Areas
Keiki|Housing & Homelessness|Social Services|Environmental Conservation|Cultural Preservation|Education & Training|Advocacy|Human Rights|Community Engagement|Non Profit Support