Sustʻāinable Molokai

What We Do

We define sustainability in terms of restoring abundance, or ʻāina momona, to the land and people. ʻĀina reflects a covenant between the people and the land, where earth’s bounty goes hand in hand with good stewardship. We asked ourselves what makes a happy, healthy, and sustainable community. We identified 12 priority areas and birthed Sustʻāinable Molokai in 2010 to serve as a central hub to hold these priorities together with the mission to restore ‘āina momona.

  1. Cultural Identity
  2. Local, Green Economy
  3. Cultural and Environmental Education
  4. Food Sovereignty and Security
  5. Water Quality and Conservation
  6. Renewable Energy
  7. Energy Efficient Transportation
  8. Green Building and Affordable Housing
  9. Healthy Environment and Abundant Resources
  10. Responsible Land Use and Protecting Subsistence
  11. Zero Waste, Recycling, and Re-Use
  12. Community Health, Safety, and Well-Being

Who We Are

Sustʻāinable Molokai was established in 2010 in the wake of the breakdown of master land-use conversations between the community and the developers of Molokai Ranch. At the time, activists, including our co-founder Malia Akutagawa and our board president Matt Yamashita, were looking for alternatives to Laʻau Point development.

This experience profoundly impacted the community — some were for the proposed land trust, and some were against it. The one thing that could be agreed upon was that we needed to be drivers of our destiny as a community to shape growth that aligns with our cultural values.

This is the reason and purpose for Sustʻāinable Molokai, which was dreamed up in conversations between co-founders Malia Akutagawa and Harmonee Williams. We offer our mahalo to everyone who has contributed their energy and vision to create our organization. We are proud to work to ensure that our community’s voices and mana’o are incorporated into collective decisions about the future of our island.

Cause Areas

Keiki|Kupuna|Food Insecurity|Environmental Conservation|Cultural Preservation|Preparedness & Response|Advocacy|Community Engagement

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Sustʻāinable Molokai

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