Partners In Care | Oahu’s Continuum of Care

What We Do

Partners In Care’s mission is to eliminate homelessness through open and inclusive participation, and the coordination of integrated responses.

Who We Are

THE ASK Would your organization or business be willing to volunteer to help on one or more of the moving days? Moving days are every Wednesday and Saturday through the end of September 2022. Roughly 3 hours – 9am-12p. Each shift needs 6-8 volunteers with some being able to lift heavier objects like mattresses and a three cushion couch. We are working to find a trucking partner, but currently we are also looking for volunteers who have trucks and tie-downs.

Cause Areas

Housing & Homelessness|Environmental Conservation|Community Engagement|Non Profit Support

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Partners In Care | Oahu’s Continuum of Care

Volunteer Opportunities

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