Native Hawaiian Philanthropy

What We Do

A) Native Hawaiian Philanthropy (NHP) will empower native Hawaiian communities with the resources and support to improve the socio-economic conditions of NHO (Native Hawaiian Organizations) and our lāhui.

B) Increase active participation, engagement and understanding of native Hawaiian and Hawaiʻi BIPOC communities with philanthropic funders and organizations.

C) Support culturally-grounded projects and organizations that help to promote and perpetuate Hawaiian culture, practices, health and well-being, and inherent sovereign rights.

D) Programs under NHP: 

Na Mahiʻai o Keʻanae (The Farmers of Keʻanae) and partnerships with Maui farmers to help build capacity and provide support to increase food production.

Moʻolelo: Hawaiian Storyteling through screenwriting & music video productions to empower native Hawaiians to write their own stories about Hawaiian history, culture and community.

Who We Are

Native Hawaiian Philanthropy was established in July 2023 to support native Hawaiian communities in Keʻanae, Maui and Hawaiʻi.  

Originally established in 2015, Maui Mixer provided support and funding for sports programs for Keʻanae and Maui youth.  In 2019, the program evolved into providing support to the Keʻanae farmers and families.  After the covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the Board of Directors understood the impacts and conditions of native Hawaiian communities state-wide.

In 2022, after attending the ʻPower in Solidarity” conference in Seattle, the board expanded itʻs focus to native Hawaiian communities state-wide and began developing the Native Hawaiian Philanthropy vision in the summer.  

Our overall goal is to provide support to native Hawaiian communities of Keʻanae, Maui and Statewide to help improve their socio-economic conditions.

Cause Areas

Cultural Preservation, Education & Training, Advocacy, Community Engagement

Native Hawaiian Philanthropy

Volunteer Opportunities

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