Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center

What We Do

Lanakila was built by the state in 1969 and is Hawai`i’s largest senior center. Catholic Charities Hawai`i has operated Lanakila since 1981. The Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center currently serves approximately 1,640 seniors age 60 and older living primarily between Ward Avenue and Fort Shafter, but others across Oahu. The Center helps seniors to remain healthy, independent and living in the community by providing a place for exercise, recreation, health promotion, health screening and volunteer activities.The Center’s goals are:To support continued healthy activity, personal growth and enrichment vital to keeping the mind, body and spirit thriving. This is achieved through exercise, health promotion, health screening, education, cultural clubs and special events.To be a link between seniors and service providers, to make information easily accessible (i.e., free tax preparation, Medicare information updates, pedestrian and fire safety presentations, hot lunch program).To provide early intervention aimed at keeping seniors healthy and preventing premature institutionalization.To encourage volunteerism that carries the talents of our kupuna back into the community. Lanakila’s seniors provide thousands of hours of free entertainment, cultural education and community service to dozens of nursing homes, adult day care centers and care homes.

Who We Are

We currently have over 1,600 members and offer a wide array of classes to promote health, physical exercise, recreation, volunteer service, and paraprofessional counseling. Until March 17, 2020, when our senior center closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had 7 very active cultural clubs and 51 classes each week. There are hundreds of volunteer opportunities that focus on supporting the many programs we host.

Cause Areas

Kupuna|Special Needs|Gender & Equality|Housing & Homelessness|Social Services|Health & Wellness|Non Profit Support

Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center

Volunteer Opportunities