Keiki to Kupuna Foundation

What We Do

Our goal at KTKF is to create strong partnerships with likeminded organizations and agencies in the community to make sure the growing number of kupuna receive the nutritional resources they need. KTKF aims to support the local community by promoting civic engagement and increase awareness of the needs of the elderly and their caregivers. We want to make dinner a time to relax and enjoy by relieving the stress of shopping, cooking, and ensure each meal is delicious and healthy.
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Who We Are

Keiki to Kupuna Foundation (KTKF) is a non-profit organization that offers an island wide meal delivery service to our elderly community.
KTKF’s mission is to nurture our community and invest to explore how best to help our kupunas AGE IN PLACE. Running the Meals on Wheels Program is a sign of our strong commitment to serving nutritious meals to homebound and isolated seniors.

Since its establishment in 2014, KTKF, under its Meals on Wheels Program, has produced, packaged, and delivered over 10,000 meals to the kupunas in Oahu. The KTKF partners with the Honolulu City and County Elderly Affairs Division (EAD) to deliver meals to homebound and isolated seniors 60 years old and above under the Kupuna Care program. To make a referral and determine if a senior qualifies for home-delivered meals.

We also offer a private-pay meal service for those who may not qualify on a need-base or for caregivers and family members seeking support to care for their loved ones with challenging nutritional needs.From Windward to Leeward and mauka to makai, KTKF is dedicated to bridging the gap between generations through food cooked with care.

Cause Areas

Keiki|Kupuna|Food Insecurity|Social Services|Non Profit Support

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Tax Status
  • Nonprofit


Keiki to Kupuna Foundation

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