KauaiEV – Kauai Electric Vehicle Association

What We Do

Our Mission Statement: KauaiEV is providing electric vehicle information and EV charging solutions for Kaua’i.

We hold classes, and talk stories, EV ride and drives, festivals and other public EVents (interrupted by Covid at the moment) and guide individual EV buyers through the purchasing process.

About our board of directors

Electric vehicles are fun to drive. They are smooth and quiet, and their high torque – even at low speeds – provides instant accelerator response. EVs are cheaper to maintain. Maintenance for EVs costs much less than for gasoline vehicles. EVs require no oil changes and have 10 times fewer moving parts than a gasoline-powered car. There’s no engine, transmission, spark plugs, valves, fuel tank, tailpipe, distributor, starter, clutch, muffler, or catalytic converter. Switching to electric vehicles is one of the biggest steps we can take to reduce our dependence on oil and cut dangerous air pollution. Each year in the US we burn roughly 121 billion gallons of oil in our passenger cars and trucks.

Please consider volunteering for KauaiEV!

Who We Are

We are a local grass-roots non-profit organization:
Run by Kaua’i volunteers
Part of the Hawaii EV Association
A chapter of the Electric Auto Association
KauaiEV is providing information and solutions for:
Kauai’s electric vehicle owners
Potential EV buyers
The interested public
Charging station hosts, managers and facilities
Businesses, facilities, HOAs and Condo Associations considering installing EV chargers
We also seek an open dialogue with government and other stakeholders as well as KIUC, our utility co-op.

Cause Areas

Environmental Conservation|Education & Training|Community Engagement|Technology & Modernization|Non Profit Support

Get In Touch

Tax Status
  • Nonprofit

KauaiEV – Kauai Electric Vehicle Association

Volunteer Opportunities