
What We Do

Kamāwaelualani Corp. is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to cultural and ʻāina (land; that which feeds) protection, preservation, and perpetuation through public arts and ʻāina-based learning opportunities. Our mission is to protect, preserve, and perpetuate Kauaʻi’s culture and ʻāina through education. We believe that Kauaʻi is a wahi pana (special/storied place) and that it the kuleana (responsibility) of both kamaʻāina (locals) and mākaʻikaʻi (visitors) to kōkua (help) to protect and preserve Kauaʻi’s natural and cultural gifts for future generations.Our aim is to honor our past, strengthen our present, and uplift our future, while enacting our individual and collective kuleana to Kauaʻi and our shared global commons. We instill a sense of pride in place, self-reliance, and righteous relationships with Kauaʻi’s landscapes, heavenscapes, and waterways.

Cause Areas

Environmental Conservation|Cultural Preservation

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Tax Status
  • Nonprofit



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