Honolulu Habitat for Humanity

What We Do

Founded in 1988 as an independent affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, Honolulu Habitat has served more than 450 individuals across Oahu through new home construction and critical home repairs. We rally thousands of volunteers every year to become part of the solution to Hawaii’s affordable housing crisis.

Home Build:
We partner with families on Oahu to achieve strength, stability and self-reliance through homeownership. Habitat homebuyers help build their homes alongside volunteers, participate in financial education classes, and pay an affordable mortgage.

Critical Home Repair:
We offer home repair services to homeowners so they can continue to live in safe, decent homes for years to come. By fixing the long-deferred maintenance projects, critical repairs and code violations, we help families stay in their existing homes and avoid displacement.

Who We Are

Honolulu Habitat for Humanity (HHH) is a non-profit affordable housing organization that partners with families in Honolulu County to build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. Our goal is to eliminate poverty housing on Oahu by building and preserving safe, affordable housing.


Cause Areas

Keiki|Kupuna|Housing & Homelessness|Education & Training|Advocacy|Human Rights|Community Engagement|Non Profit Support

Honolulu Habitat for Humanity

Volunteer Opportunities