Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc.

What We Do

We offer a variety of programs and services designed to alleviate the social, emotional and economic stress so often associated with poverty. Our programs and services are focused in the areas of Early Childhood; Employment; Education; Economic Development; Emergency & Transitional Programs; and Community Development and Advocacy. In the past program year, more than 20,000 individuals and families have been impacted by HCAP’s work.

Who We Are

Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization delivering need-based human services on the island of Oahu since 1965.

The Community Services Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, nonprofit, and public agencies that work to alleviate poverty and empower low income families in communities throughout the United States. Most of these agencies are Community Action Agencies (CAAs) created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The balance, included under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), follow similar guidelines for structure and service.

Another huge contribution made available through the CSBG Act is the design and mandate that HCAP must have a tripartite Board of Directors, with members consisting of one-third public sector, one-third private sector, and one-third resident sector. These are the people that oversee HCAP programs and activities through the maintenance and enforcement of solid decision making policies in the organization.

Cause Areas

Keiki|Kupuna|Special Needs|Housing & Homelessness|Social Services|Education & Training|Advocacy|Non Profit Support

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Tax Status
  • Nonprofit

Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc.

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