
What We Do

Hoʻokuaʻāina empowers youth to realize the meaning and purpose of their lives by helping them develop life strategies and skills through the cultivation of kalo and Hawaiian values-based coaching.

Who We Are

The greatest asset of our organization is the thousands of community-minded volunteers who have given their time, energy and resources to the restoration of Kapalai back to a productive farm and built Hoʻokuaʻāina into a healthy organization. Weekly opportunities are offered for families, schools, businesses, clubs, organizations, and neighbors to join in the restoration of this valuable community resource in the ahupuaʻa of Kailua. Travel back in time and learn the values of the kuaʻāina who lived sustainably, caring for the land, growing food to provide for their community, understanding hard work and managing their precious natural resources.

Cause Areas

Environmental Conservation|Cultural Preservation|Community Engagement|Non Profit Support

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Tax Status
  • Nonprofit



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