Gregory House Programs

What We Do

To provide affordable housing assistance and support services to persons living with HIV/AIDS in Hawaii.

Who We Are

Gregory House Programs is a 501c-3 nonprofit agency. It was founded in 1988 as Ho’omana’olana after a few dedicated and concerned citizens, including Michael Burnett (the first Executive Director), successfully lobbied State Legislature for funds to start up an AIDS housing program. Around the same time, Richard Smart, owner of Parker Ranch on Hawaii Island, purchased a small apartment complex and named it Gregory House in memory of Charles Gregory (portrait), an artist and Mr. Smart’s dear friend, who died of AIDS complications in 1985. Gregory House took in our first resident in December 1988.

In 1989, Gregory House Programs implemented emergency housing and subsidy programs to meet statewide housing needs. In the early 1990s, demand for services increased and working with other community players, the agency helped draft applications to bring new federal funds to the State. In 2012, we added the Save the FoodBasket Program (a supplemental food and nutrition program) from a successful merger.

Cause Areas

Housing & Homelessness, Health & Wellness, Advocacy

Gregory House Programs

Volunteer Opportunities