Clean Rewards

What We Do

CLEAN 🌎 REWARDS exists to help heal our home, plant Earth. We Motivate people to cleanup and protect our precious planet through our CLEAN REWARDS PROGRAM. We Educate the public and our youth on the current pollution crisis, help introduce sustainable practices, and promote against the destruction of our environment. Ultimately we strive to Inspire others to work towards the preservation of nature and future generations.

CLEAN 🌎 REWARDS connects with businesses who reward our volunteers or “earth protectors” with products and services. Creating a system of reward where an individual can take some time to clean up a beach, park, roadside or other area of trash and in return earn CLEAN COINS that can be redeemed for food, clothing, activities and more.

Cause Areas

Environmental Conservation

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Tax Status
  • Nonprofit


Clean Rewards

Volunteer Opportunities

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