Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawaii

What We Do
Our mission at Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawai‘i is to build and support one-to-one relationships to ignite the biggest possible futures for Hawaii’s youth. Each year we serve children, teens, parents, and volunteers across the state by facilitating one-to-one mentoring programs in schools and in the community. We are continuing to operate programs during the COVID-19 pandemic while observing social distancing as our mission to help children and teens overcome hardships and build resilience has never been more important.
Who We Are
As Hawaii’s most recognizable and successful mentoring agency, Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawai‘i has been leading the way in serving disadvantaged youth throughout the state for 60 years. Our programs are based on Big Brothers Big Sisters of America’s evidence-based mentoring method and the short-term and long-terms benefits of participation are confirmed by numerous research studies. We track data on each program participant and conduct surveys annually to ensure that our services are safe, effective, and meaningful. We have a top-tier platinum rating from GuideStar and in 2020 we were ranked by Morning Consult as one of the top 10 “Most Favorable Nonprofits” and “Most Trusted Nonprofits” out of hundreds of organizations nationwide.
Cause Areas
Keiki|Non Profit Support