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Support Mālama Hawaiʻi
By wes
It’s easy to make a difference. Here’s how: Step 1: Stop by the Kīhei Boat Ramp at 2800 S. Kīhei Road from 6 a.m. – 12 p.m. daily. Look for our gray trucks with a sign that says “Malama Hawaiʻi.”…
Hawaiʻi Island Volunteer Opportunities w/ Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund
By wes
On Hawaiʻi Island, we offer monthly community beach cleanup events, environmental education opportunities for keiki (in person and virtual), native plant seed collection events, and wetland/ anchialine pond workdays! For more details about volunteer events, please check our website calendar…
Maui Volunteer Opportunities w/ Hawai’i Wildlife Fund
By wes
MauiVolunteers and interns help with beach clean-ups, turtle nest protection and monitoring (summer only), and our daily public outreach program called “Honu Watch.” This project focuses on a unique phenomenon called basking, wherein Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles come up onto…
Volunteer with The Sierra Club
By wes
**Paid Volunteer Opportunity – $15 Club Membership Fee Protect Maui and Get Sierra Club Experience on Your Resume! All positions require that you be a Sierra Club member. You can become a member for just $15.
Volunteer at Kualoa Ranch
By wes
Our Education department at Kualoa is committed to bridging our communities together. We hope to do this by offering meaningful opportunities for our communities to engage in the wahi pana of Hakipuʻu, Kualoa and Kaʻaʻawa.
Plant A Tree
By wes
** Paid Experience $120 We each have a reason to plant a tree. Some of us plant because we want to see the forest grow; some of us plant to remember those who pass; and some of us plant to…
Educational Experience
By wes
** Paid Experience Spending a day at Gunstock Ranch for a field trip gives your scout troop, students, or club an opportunity to get up close with animals on a working ranch and gain a whole new perspective.
Blue ʻĀina Reef Cleanup
By wes
** This Opportunity has a $60 Cost plus taxes and feesBlue ʻĀina Join our reef cleanup! Snorkel a reef to gather trash, debris than harm the coral reefs of the Maui coast and threaten to kill turtles and other marine…
By keera
Join the Windward Y at Daybreak Church to provide outreach to houseless individuals in our community. Each month, our Houseless Coalition (churches in the area, community partners & the Y) offers a hot lunch, clean clothing & hot showers, toiletry…
‘Ohana Workdays
By wes
Join us again for upcoming ʻohana workdays at Kapahu Living Farm
Mālama ‘Āina – Volunteer
By wes
The Hawaiian value of Mālama ‘Āina, to take care of the land, is one that we hold in high regard in our community and our community is integral to our strategy for restoring the forest. Volunteers have provided the hard…
Beach Buddies Kamaʻāina Program
By wes
If you live on Maui, we have a kamaʻāina program for you to be able to help our dogs enjoy a day away from the shelter! To become a Kamaʻāina Beach Buddy, you must be 16+ years old and fill…
Volunteer with Maui Humane Society
By wes
The Volunteer Program is absolutely vital to the success of Maui Humane Society. Working with more than 16,000 hours in the last year, our volunteer team is exciting and thriving. We are extremely proud of the difference our volunteers make,…
Volunteer to be a Rain Garden Steward!
By wes
Implementing rain gardens is one of the many ways we are working to mitigate the negative impacts of runoff into Maunalua Bay. Who: Any interested individual or group who is interested in stewarding What: Help weed, pick up litter, water plants, and…
Volunteer for a Hana Pūkoʻa!
By wes
The Restore with Resilience project is intended to be for the community, by the community. We invite you to share your manaʻo and join us on the project! You don’t even have to get in the water! Stay tuned for…