WordPress Back-end Assistance Needed

Grow Some Good

We are working through cleaning up our WordPress website and need someone with WordPress plugin experience. We will set up a call to discuss specifics, security precautions, plugins not activating correctly, and a few general clean up tasks for behind the scenes. 

Grow Some Good

About the organizer

Grow Some Good is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating hands-on, outdoor learning experiences that cultivate curiosity about natural life cycles, connect students to their food sources, and inspire better nutrition choices. In addition to helping establish food gardens and living science labs in local schools, we provide resources and curriculum support through community partnerships in agriculture, science, food education, and nutrition.

  • Ongoing

    • Ongoing Commitment
    • Flexible Schedule
    • Flexible Location
    Good For

    Teens, Kupuna, Students, Resume Builder

    Activity Type

    Help People, Admin & Clerical, Advocacy & Outreach, Technology, Media & Communications


    Technology & Modernization, Non Profit Support


    RSVP Required

    WordPress Back-end Assistance Needed

    Grow Some Good

    We are working through cleaning up our WordPress website and need someone with WordPress plugin experience. We will set up a call to discuss specifics, security precautions, plugins not activating correctly, and a few general clean up tasks for behind the scenes. 

    • Ongoing

      • Ongoing Commitment
      • Flexible Schedule
      • Flexible Location
      Good For

      Teens, Kupuna, Students, Resume Builder

      Activity Type

      Help People, Admin & Clerical, Advocacy & Outreach, Technology, Media & Communications


      Technology & Modernization, Non Profit Support


      RSVP Required

      Grow Some Good

      About the organizer

      Grow Some Good is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating hands-on, outdoor learning experiences that cultivate curiosity about natural life cycles, connect students to their food sources, and inspire better nutrition choices. In addition to helping establish food gardens and living science labs in local schools, we provide resources and curriculum support through community partnerships in agriculture, science, food education, and nutrition.

      Sign Up

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      * Select "yes" if they're NOT signing up on their own
      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.