Volunteer At North Shore Stables

North Shore Stables

Join the team and become a volunteer today! Embark on a unique opportunity to support the stables while learning about horsemanship and ranch lifestyle along the way!

Animal Care
Horses are tough animals to care for. They take a lot of time and effort (and money) to keep healthy! Volunteers may participate in general care for horses and other livestock, including grooming, bathing, mucking, feeding, cleaning & refilling waterers, and more. Work side by side an experienced stables staff member to learn about caring for these majestic animals!

The hustle and bustle of day to day activities tend to make a mess of tack rooms, community spaces, and our minds! Volunteers can help foster a healthy, productive, and fun environment by helping stables staff organize various areas, as well as help with the organization of programs such as our work-ride-trade program and volunteer program!

While it isn’t the funnest job in the world, it is one of the most important! Landscaping and weedwacking may not seem incredibly significant, but here at the stables, doing so can help save lives! There is a weed that likes to grow here that is poisonous to horses. We work tirelessly in our efforts eradicate this weed for the safety and health of all our horses and livestock on property.

North Shore Stables

About the organizer

Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible horsemanship opportunities and learning experiences to our community’s youth, and to cultivate employment opportunities for our community at large. To perpetuate this mission, we have created over 100 jobs as well as with multiple youth programs. Our Scholarship program has flourished, and our Work-Ride-Trade Program & Volunteer Programs are continuing to grow as well.

  • Ongoing

    • One Time Commitment
    • Schedule Varies
    • Specific Location
    Good For

    Kids, Teens, Families, Students, Visitors

    Activity Type

    Indoor, Outdoor, Farms & Gardens, Help Animals, Help Plants & Nature, Cleanup, Physical Labor



    Volunteer At North Shore Stables

    North Shore Stables

    Join the team and become a volunteer today! Embark on a unique opportunity to support the stables while learning about horsemanship and ranch lifestyle along the way!

    Animal Care
    Horses are tough animals to care for. They take a lot of time and effort (and money) to keep healthy! Volunteers may participate in general care for horses and other livestock, including grooming, bathing, mucking, feeding, cleaning & refilling waterers, and more. Work side by side an experienced stables staff member to learn about caring for these majestic animals!

    The hustle and bustle of day to day activities tend to make a mess of tack rooms, community spaces, and our minds! Volunteers can help foster a healthy, productive, and fun environment by helping stables staff organize various areas, as well as help with the organization of programs such as our work-ride-trade program and volunteer program!

    While it isn’t the funnest job in the world, it is one of the most important! Landscaping and weedwacking may not seem incredibly significant, but here at the stables, doing so can help save lives! There is a weed that likes to grow here that is poisonous to horses. We work tirelessly in our efforts eradicate this weed for the safety and health of all our horses and livestock on property.

    • Ongoing

      • One Time Commitment
      • Schedule Varies
      • Specific Location
      Good For

      Kids, Teens, Families, Students, Visitors

      Activity Type

      Indoor, Outdoor, Farms & Gardens, Help Animals, Help Plants & Nature, Cleanup, Physical Labor



      North Shore Stables

      About the organizer

      Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible horsemanship opportunities and learning experiences to our community’s youth, and to cultivate employment opportunities for our community at large. To perpetuate this mission, we have created over 100 jobs as well as with multiple youth programs. Our Scholarship program has flourished, and our Work-Ride-Trade Program & Volunteer Programs are continuing to grow as well.

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