This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is only visible for historical reference.

Marine Research Internship

Ocean Alliance Project

The Marine Conservation Research Internship is an immersive 6-week program designed to provide participants with comprehensive training in ecological monitoring, data analysis, and independent research within the context of coral reef conservation. Through a combination of theoretical instruction, practical fieldwork, and independent research, interns will gain invaluable insights into the complexities of marine ecosystems and the significance of their preservation.

Course Objectives:

• Gain a deep understanding of coral reef ecology, ecosystem dynamics, and the impacts of human activities on reef health.

• Acquire practical skills in ecological monitoring techniques, including photogrammetry, benthic surveys, and data analysis.

• Engage in independent research, formulating research questions, and designing methodologies for data collection.

• Develop proficiency in data analysis, interpreting research findings, and drawing evidence-based conclusions.

• Enhance scientific communication skills by writing and presenting a research manuscript / presentation.


  • Atleast 40 dives with dive gear included
  • Conservation Diver Advanced Ecological Monitoring Certification
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Certification
  • Continued support with data collection, grant writing, publication, fundraising etc.

Ocean Alliance Project

About the organizer

Welcome to Ocean Alliance Project, where our mission is to protect and preserve the marine biodiversity of Hawaii’s local reefs through community-led ecological monitoring and regenerative tourism. Founded on the principles of sustainability and community engagement, the Ocean Alliance Project integrates ecological, social, economic, and governance dimensions into its core mission, ensuring a comprehensive approach to marine conservation.

  • Ongoing Commitment
  • Set Schedule
  • Specific Location
Good For

Students, Visitors, Internship Opportunity

Activity Type

Outdoor, Beach & Ocean, Help Animals, Help Plants & Nature, Teaching & Training, Technology, Educational Activity


Animals, Environmental Conservation, Education & Training, Community Engagement


Min age 18+

RSVP Required, Minimum Age

Marine Research Internship

Ocean Alliance Project

The Marine Conservation Research Internship is an immersive 6-week program designed to provide participants with comprehensive training in ecological monitoring, data analysis, and independent research within the context of coral reef conservation. Through a combination of theoretical instruction, practical fieldwork, and independent research, interns will gain invaluable insights into the complexities of marine ecosystems and the significance of their preservation.

Course Objectives:

• Gain a deep understanding of coral reef ecology, ecosystem dynamics, and the impacts of human activities on reef health.

• Acquire practical skills in ecological monitoring techniques, including photogrammetry, benthic surveys, and data analysis.

• Engage in independent research, formulating research questions, and designing methodologies for data collection.

• Develop proficiency in data analysis, interpreting research findings, and drawing evidence-based conclusions.

• Enhance scientific communication skills by writing and presenting a research manuscript / presentation.


  • Atleast 40 dives with dive gear included
  • Conservation Diver Advanced Ecological Monitoring Certification
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Certification
  • Continued support with data collection, grant writing, publication, fundraising etc.

  • Ongoing Commitment
  • Set Schedule
  • Specific Location
Good For

Students, Visitors, Internship Opportunity

Activity Type

Outdoor, Beach & Ocean, Help Animals, Help Plants & Nature, Teaching & Training, Technology, Educational Activity


Animals, Environmental Conservation, Education & Training, Community Engagement


Min age 18+

RSVP Required, Minimum Age

Ocean Alliance Project

About the organizer

Welcome to Ocean Alliance Project, where our mission is to protect and preserve the marine biodiversity of Hawaii’s local reefs through community-led ecological monitoring and regenerative tourism. Founded on the principles of sustainability and community engagement, the Ocean Alliance Project integrates ecological, social, economic, and governance dimensions into its core mission, ensuring a comprehensive approach to marine conservation.

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This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is not accepting new volunteers.