This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is only visible for historical reference.

Kōkua Exchange – Help us build our Timebank!

Kanu Hawaii

Kōkua Exchange is a Hawai’i-focused TimeBank dedicated to creating a sharing community of time, services, and skills. This program supports community building, economic sustainability, and exchanges of Aloha through skill sharing and supports organizations in capacity building through virtual volunteer opportunities.We are currently in the process of launching Kōkua Exchange to the different sectors in our community, including organizations, local & state government agencies, local business, and Hawai’i residents to build skill sharing around virtual volunteer opportunities. Help us build our Timebank through the following volunteer opportunities: Outreach – Help us raise awareness around our initiatives through advocacy of specified programs. PR/Marketing Support – Assist with copy editing, broadcasting, outreach messaging, and strategy to raise awareness and support for our programs. Social Media Management – Assist our program managers in creating/gathering content, scheduling, sharing daily updates, and public engagement through social media. Website Development – Assist with website improvements for our website (experience required). Recruitment – Help us intake and support potential volunteers and organization partners through administrative services. Language – Help us translate our programs and services. Grant Writing Support – Learn grant-writing skills including grant research, evaluating prospects, strategic planning, writing a grant narrative, funding engagement, and developing a grant budget all while you help community based initiatives! Sign up to volunteer at: Timebanking, also known as skillsharing, is an opportunity that allows the community to ‘barter’ services indirectly with other people by locking their trade/barter hours into the ‘bank’. From there, they can then cash in on those opportunities in the future. It also acknowledges that everyone has skills to share and trade with others, and that the community is strengthened when neighbors help one another. The core values of TimeBanking include: Asset, Redefining Work, Reciprocity, Social Networks, and Respect. It is being practiced around the world as an alternative economic platform that facilitates the exchange of services using time as the currency and creates opportunities for members to:Strengthen the fabric of our community,Serve people and give them a means to serve,Establish new relationships and meet vital needs of our community members.

Kanu Hawaii

About the organizer

Kanu Hawaii started in June 2006 as a movement of everyday people, working to protect and promote the things that make Hawaii special a connection to the ‘āina, a culture of aloha, and local self reliance. The founders created this organization to strive toward change rooted in kuleana (responsibility) and a commitment to be the change. Kanu’s core of forty people, who collectively worried about Hawaii’s future and deeply believed in its potential, transformed this worry into action with campaigns centered on environmentally sustainable, compassionate, and economically resilient communities.

  • Ongoing

    • Ongoing Commitment
    • Flexible Schedule
    • Flexible Location
    Good For

    Students, Resume Builder

    Activity Type

    Admin & Clerical, Teaching & Training, Advocacy & Outreach, Technology, Media & Communications, Health & Wellness


    Kupuna, Social Services, Health & Wellness, Preparedness & Response, Education & Training, Community Engagement, Technology & Modernization, Non Profit Support


    RSVP Required

    Kōkua Exchange – Help us build our Timebank!

    Kanu Hawaii

    Kōkua Exchange is a Hawai’i-focused TimeBank dedicated to creating a sharing community of time, services, and skills. This program supports community building, economic sustainability, and exchanges of Aloha through skill sharing and supports organizations in capacity building through virtual volunteer opportunities.We are currently in the process of launching Kōkua Exchange to the different sectors in our community, including organizations, local & state government agencies, local business, and Hawai’i residents to build skill sharing around virtual volunteer opportunities. Help us build our Timebank through the following volunteer opportunities: Outreach – Help us raise awareness around our initiatives through advocacy of specified programs. PR/Marketing Support – Assist with copy editing, broadcasting, outreach messaging, and strategy to raise awareness and support for our programs. Social Media Management – Assist our program managers in creating/gathering content, scheduling, sharing daily updates, and public engagement through social media. Website Development – Assist with website improvements for our website (experience required). Recruitment – Help us intake and support potential volunteers and organization partners through administrative services. Language – Help us translate our programs and services. Grant Writing Support – Learn grant-writing skills including grant research, evaluating prospects, strategic planning, writing a grant narrative, funding engagement, and developing a grant budget all while you help community based initiatives! Sign up to volunteer at: Timebanking, also known as skillsharing, is an opportunity that allows the community to ‘barter’ services indirectly with other people by locking their trade/barter hours into the ‘bank’. From there, they can then cash in on those opportunities in the future. It also acknowledges that everyone has skills to share and trade with others, and that the community is strengthened when neighbors help one another. The core values of TimeBanking include: Asset, Redefining Work, Reciprocity, Social Networks, and Respect. It is being practiced around the world as an alternative economic platform that facilitates the exchange of services using time as the currency and creates opportunities for members to:Strengthen the fabric of our community,Serve people and give them a means to serve,Establish new relationships and meet vital needs of our community members.

    • Ongoing

      • Ongoing Commitment
      • Flexible Schedule
      • Flexible Location
      Good For

      Students, Resume Builder

      Activity Type

      Admin & Clerical, Teaching & Training, Advocacy & Outreach, Technology, Media & Communications, Health & Wellness


      Kupuna, Social Services, Health & Wellness, Preparedness & Response, Education & Training, Community Engagement, Technology & Modernization, Non Profit Support


      RSVP Required

      Kanu Hawaii

      About the organizer

      Kanu Hawaii started in June 2006 as a movement of everyday people, working to protect and promote the things that make Hawaii special a connection to the ‘āina, a culture of aloha, and local self reliance. The founders created this organization to strive toward change rooted in kuleana (responsibility) and a commitment to be the change. Kanu’s core of forty people, who collectively worried about Hawaii’s future and deeply believed in its potential, transformed this worry into action with campaigns centered on environmentally sustainable, compassionate, and economically resilient communities.

      Sign Up

      This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is not accepting new volunteers.