This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is only visible for historical reference.

Eco Rotary Club of Kaka’ako & Smart Living Hawaii

About the organizer

Our club is driven by the idea of increasing environmental and sustainability awareness and to mitigate Climate Change in Hawaii. We are professionals and community leaders who want to make positive changes in our Island and the world. Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service, friendship, and the environment.

  • March 11, 2023 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

  • One Time Commitment
  • Choose Your Shift
  • Specific Location, Multiple Locations
Good For

Accessible, Kids, Teens, Families, Kupuna, Students, Groups, Visitors, Bilingual Speakers, Meeting People, Internship Opportunity, Resume Builder

Activity Type

Outdoor, Beach & Ocean, Libraries & Museums & Stores, Help Plants & Nature, Cleanup, Fellowship, Educational Activity, Event Support, Donation Request, Non Profit Networking, Fundraising Event


Environmental Conservation, Education & Training, Advocacy, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support


RSVP Required

  • March 11, 2023 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

  • One Time Commitment
  • Choose Your Shift
  • Specific Location, Multiple Locations
Good For

Accessible, Kids, Teens, Families, Kupuna, Students, Groups, Visitors, Bilingual Speakers, Meeting People, Internship Opportunity, Resume Builder

Activity Type

Outdoor, Beach & Ocean, Libraries & Museums & Stores, Help Plants & Nature, Cleanup, Fellowship, Educational Activity, Event Support, Donation Request, Non Profit Networking, Fundraising Event


Environmental Conservation, Education & Training, Advocacy, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support


RSVP Required

Eco Rotary Club of Kaka’ako & Smart Living Hawaii

About the organizer

Our club is driven by the idea of increasing environmental and sustainability awareness and to mitigate Climate Change in Hawaii. We are professionals and community leaders who want to make positive changes in our Island and the world. Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service, friendship, and the environment.

Sign Up

This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is not accepting new volunteers.