This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is only visible for historical reference.

Adopt-An-Aid-Station Contest: Kahuku Beach Park

Hawaiʻi Bicycling League


➡ On April 30, 2023 (SUNDAY), hundreds of people young and old will be excitedly gearing up to ride in the 30th Annual Hale‘iwa Metric Century (HMC), held by local nonprofit Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL). Up to 1,000 bicyclists will be pedaling along O‘ahu’s gorgeous North Shore… and they’ll be looking for support and encouragement along the way. This is where your team can have a huge impact and enjoy a day full of community support, thanks, and celebration.  

And, your non-profit (or charity of your choice) can win up to $300! Here’s how it works.


Aid stations are responsible for filling the gatorade dispenser jugs, cutting fruit, preparing snacks, and communicating with the Ride Command center back at Kaiaka (event equipments supplied by HBL)But to make things a little more exciting, HBL will host a ‘Adopt-an-Aid-Station’ theme contest to see which organization can make their aid station the most spirited. Your theme can vary from sports to superheros, etc


➡ Select a Team Captain to be the primary contact for HBL.

➡ Email Lauren, HBL’s Director of Community Engagement, at (

  • Location of the Aid Station you would like to adopt (Kahuku Beach Park Aid Station) for HBL’s Hale‘iwa Metric Century ride event being held on Sunday, April 30th 
  • A high-res image of your organization’s logo
  • A 2-3 sentence blurb about your organization so HBL supporters can learn more about you!
  • 1 link that directs people to your organization’s website or social media page
  • A secondary contact for a vice-captain (email & phone #)

Deadline is Friday, March 31st 


➡ Round up at least 15 friends, co-workers, and volunteers. (The more, the merrier!)  

➡  Schedule a meet-up for your team with HBL 2 weeks before the Sunday, April 30th event.

➡  On the day of the event, HBL will drop off event equipment you will need to fuel and hydrate the riders. 

All you need to do is show up with 15+ friends, prepare the refreshments, and be ready to welcome the riders!


➡  Each rider will vote for the best Aid Station when they finish the ride. The winning Aid Station will be one that made them feel the most welcomed, celebrated, and rejuvenated. Costumes? Cheerful/motivational signs? Music? Food? It’s up to you to decide how to make your aid station the most memorable!


➡ Show off your non-profit to an active, environmentally-conscious, and vibrant community of all ages!

  • Information about your organization in our “HMC Aid Stations” email to HMC riders.
  • Recognition on HBL’s Facebook & Instagram
  • Your organization’s logo posted on the official event site
  • Logo on select event promotion emails sent by HBL to over 21,000+ contacts
  • Organization audio recognition at start 
  • Logo featured in Ride Guide, which is included in all rider packets
  • Promotional material (or printed material) from your company in every participant packet


  • 1st Place: $300
  • 2nd – 4th Place: $200
  • 5th Place: $100

*All recipient organizations must be a registered non-profit to be eligible for prizes

➡ We hope to see you at HMC on April 30th!

For more information about the Hal‘iwa Metric Century, go to



Contact HBL’s Director of Community Engagement, Lauren Lee, at or call the HBL office at (808) 735-5756 during open hours.

Interested in Business Sponsorships? Contact HBL’s Executive Director, Travis Counsell, at

Hawaiʻi Bicycling League

About the organizer

Our Mission is to enable more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events.

As O‘ahu’s oldest and largest cycling organization,  Hawaiʻi Bicycling League advocates for positive changes that will help make Hawai‘i a cycling paradise and encourage more people to ride bicycles. Each year, HBL teaches thousands of 4th graders bike safety and conducts hundreds of workshops and presentations.  Also, bicyclists far and wide look forward to HBL’s signature biking events and other biking activities.


HBL Staff listing
HBL Board listing

HBL Bylaws:

EIN #: 99-0250682


Hawaii Bicycling League is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1975. Our Mission is to enable more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events. As O‘ahu’s oldest and largest cycling organization, Hawaii Bicycling League advocates for positive changes that will help make Hawai‘i a cycling paradise and encourage more people to ride bicycles. Each year, HBL teaches thousands of 4th graders bike safety and conducts hundreds of workshops and presentations. Also, bicyclists far and wide look forward to HBL’s signature biking events and other biking activities. #HBLRideAloha

  • April 30, 2023 8:00 am – 1:30 pm

  • One Time Commitment
  • Set Schedule
  • Specific Location
Good For

Kids, Teens, Families, Kupuna, Students, Groups, Meeting People

Activity Type

Outdoor, Help People, Physical Labor, Skilled Labor, Customer Service, Supervise & Coordinate, Food Prep & Distribution, Event Support, Fundraising Event


Health & Wellness, Advocacy, Non Profit Support


Min age 10+ with chaperone

RSVP Required, Minimum Age With Chaperone, Complete Full Shift, Speak English, Closed Toed Shoes

Adopt-An-Aid-Station Contest: Kahuku Beach Park

Hawaiʻi Bicycling League


➡ On April 30, 2023 (SUNDAY), hundreds of people young and old will be excitedly gearing up to ride in the 30th Annual Hale‘iwa Metric Century (HMC), held by local nonprofit Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL). Up to 1,000 bicyclists will be pedaling along O‘ahu’s gorgeous North Shore… and they’ll be looking for support and encouragement along the way. This is where your team can have a huge impact and enjoy a day full of community support, thanks, and celebration.  

And, your non-profit (or charity of your choice) can win up to $300! Here’s how it works.


Aid stations are responsible for filling the gatorade dispenser jugs, cutting fruit, preparing snacks, and communicating with the Ride Command center back at Kaiaka (event equipments supplied by HBL)But to make things a little more exciting, HBL will host a ‘Adopt-an-Aid-Station’ theme contest to see which organization can make their aid station the most spirited. Your theme can vary from sports to superheros, etc


➡ Select a Team Captain to be the primary contact for HBL.

➡ Email Lauren, HBL’s Director of Community Engagement, at (

  • Location of the Aid Station you would like to adopt (Kahuku Beach Park Aid Station) for HBL’s Hale‘iwa Metric Century ride event being held on Sunday, April 30th 
  • A high-res image of your organization’s logo
  • A 2-3 sentence blurb about your organization so HBL supporters can learn more about you!
  • 1 link that directs people to your organization’s website or social media page
  • A secondary contact for a vice-captain (email & phone #)

Deadline is Friday, March 31st 


➡ Round up at least 15 friends, co-workers, and volunteers. (The more, the merrier!)  

➡  Schedule a meet-up for your team with HBL 2 weeks before the Sunday, April 30th event.

➡  On the day of the event, HBL will drop off event equipment you will need to fuel and hydrate the riders. 

All you need to do is show up with 15+ friends, prepare the refreshments, and be ready to welcome the riders!


➡  Each rider will vote for the best Aid Station when they finish the ride. The winning Aid Station will be one that made them feel the most welcomed, celebrated, and rejuvenated. Costumes? Cheerful/motivational signs? Music? Food? It’s up to you to decide how to make your aid station the most memorable!


➡ Show off your non-profit to an active, environmentally-conscious, and vibrant community of all ages!

  • Information about your organization in our “HMC Aid Stations” email to HMC riders.
  • Recognition on HBL’s Facebook & Instagram
  • Your organization’s logo posted on the official event site
  • Logo on select event promotion emails sent by HBL to over 21,000+ contacts
  • Organization audio recognition at start 
  • Logo featured in Ride Guide, which is included in all rider packets
  • Promotional material (or printed material) from your company in every participant packet


  • 1st Place: $300
  • 2nd – 4th Place: $200
  • 5th Place: $100

*All recipient organizations must be a registered non-profit to be eligible for prizes

➡ We hope to see you at HMC on April 30th!

For more information about the Hal‘iwa Metric Century, go to



Contact HBL’s Director of Community Engagement, Lauren Lee, at or call the HBL office at (808) 735-5756 during open hours.

Interested in Business Sponsorships? Contact HBL’s Executive Director, Travis Counsell, at

  • April 30, 2023 8:00 am – 1:30 pm

  • One Time Commitment
  • Set Schedule
  • Specific Location
Good For

Kids, Teens, Families, Kupuna, Students, Groups, Meeting People

Activity Type

Outdoor, Help People, Physical Labor, Skilled Labor, Customer Service, Supervise & Coordinate, Food Prep & Distribution, Event Support, Fundraising Event


Health & Wellness, Advocacy, Non Profit Support


Min age 10+ with chaperone

RSVP Required, Minimum Age With Chaperone, Complete Full Shift, Speak English, Closed Toed Shoes

Hawaiʻi Bicycling League

About the organizer

Our Mission is to enable more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events.

As O‘ahu’s oldest and largest cycling organization,  Hawaiʻi Bicycling League advocates for positive changes that will help make Hawai‘i a cycling paradise and encourage more people to ride bicycles. Each year, HBL teaches thousands of 4th graders bike safety and conducts hundreds of workshops and presentations.  Also, bicyclists far and wide look forward to HBL’s signature biking events and other biking activities.


HBL Staff listing
HBL Board listing

HBL Bylaws:

EIN #: 99-0250682


Hawaii Bicycling League is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1975. Our Mission is to enable more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events. As O‘ahu’s oldest and largest cycling organization, Hawaii Bicycling League advocates for positive changes that will help make Hawai‘i a cycling paradise and encourage more people to ride bicycles. Each year, HBL teaches thousands of 4th graders bike safety and conducts hundreds of workshops and presentations. Also, bicyclists far and wide look forward to HBL’s signature biking events and other biking activities. #HBLRideAloha

Sign Up

This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is not accepting new volunteers.