*We’re no longer supporting Kokua Exchange at this time. Please see our volunteer page for other opportunities to make an impact.*
Kōkua Exchange is our local take on Timebanking in which members participate in community development as they contribute to social, economical, and cultural equity through reciprocity. This platform is designed to serve diverse populations and sectors (i.e. government agencies, organizations, businesses, and individuals) throughout Hawai’i and supports creating a sharing community by providing accessibility to free community assets and resources.
What is Timebanking?
Timebanking, also known as skillsharing, is an opportunity that allows the community to ‘barter’ services indirectly with other people by locking their trade/barter hours into the ‘bank’. From there, they can then cash in on those opportunities in the future. It also acknowledges that everyone has skills to share and trade with others, and that the community is strengthened when neighbors help one another.
The core values of TimeBanking include: Asset, Redefining Work, Reciprocity, Social Networks, and Respect. It is being practiced around the world as an alternative economic platform that facilitates the exchange of services using time as the currency and creates opportunities for members to: