NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

Help us encourage attendees of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) Conference to sign the pledge, volunteer, and donate by greeting and talking with guests of NCORE about Pledge and Volunteer Opportunities as they register for their week-long event. NCORE attendees are comprised of over 5000 indigenous, racial, and ethnically oriented professors and…

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

Help us encourage attendees of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) Conference to sign the pledge, volunteer, and donate by greeting and talking with guests of NCORE about Pledge and Volunteer Opportunities as they register for their week-long event. NCORE attendees are comprised of over 5000 indigenous, racial, and ethnically oriented professors and…

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

Help us encourage attendees of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) Conference to sign the pledge, volunteer, and donate by greeting and talking with guests of NCORE about Pledge and Volunteer Opportunities as they register for their week-long event. NCORE attendees are comprised of over 5000 indigenous, racial, and ethnically oriented professors and…

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

Help us encourage attendees of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) Conference to sign the pledge, volunteer, and donate by greeting and talking with guests of NCORE about Pledge and Volunteer Opportunities as they register for their week-long event. NCORE attendees are comprised of over 5000 indigenous, racial, and ethnically oriented professors and…

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

NCORE Pledge To Our Keiki Booth

Help us encourage attendees of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) Conference to sign the pledge, volunteer, and donate by greeting and talking with guests of NCORE about Pledge and Volunteer Opportunities as they register for their week-long event. NCORE attendees are comprised of over 5000 indigenous, racial, and ethnically oriented professors and…