Honolulu Museum of Art

Honolulu Museum of Art

The Honolulu Museum of Art is a home for art and education that exists for the benefit of the entire community, presented in a setting that promotes beauty, harmony, learning, self-awareness, and connection. With care, respect, and empathy we will: Embrace an approach grounded in excellence, innovation, and sustainability to ensure that the museum will…

June 8th 2nd Sat. Community Workday

June 8th 2nd Sat. Community Workday

Volunteer Opportunity! On June 8th mālama the muliwai in Nānākuli with us at our 2nd Sat Community Workday. Learn about native plants that grow in the wetlands and help us weed, go pole fishing to remove invasive fish and talk story with ocean conservation organizations @kuleanacoral and @sustainablecoastlineshawaii to learn about local marine efforts. Register with QR code…