Disaster Action Team (DAT) Member

Disaster Action Team (DAT) Member

Disaster Response Volunteer:Hands-on work in the field. Training is being done online.DAT (Disaster Action Team) team members – Must pick two or three 6-hour on-call shifts every three weeks. These are 2nd responders that respond for things like home fires and flooding (small scale disasters). They receive a call from our hotline volunteer/Duty officer and…

Mālama Maui Nui

Mālama Maui Nui

Mālama Maui Nui is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate, inspire and empower residents and visitors alike to nurture the environment in support of Maui Nui’s ecosystems, economy, quality of life and unique Hawaiian culture. The commitment to mālama our islands is central to MMN’s mission since its inception in 1991. We…