Lanai Cat Sanctuary

Lanai Cat Sanctuary

It all began with sterilizing Lānaʻi’s street cats in 2004. That effort was followed by sheltering them in a horse corral in the mountain community of Kōʻele. We were just a small committed group of cat lovers trying to do the right thing on an island without an animal shelter, rescue group or veterinarian.

Disaster Action Team (DAT) Member

Disaster Action Team (DAT) Member

Disaster Response Volunteer:Hands-on work in the field. Training is being done online.DAT (Disaster Action Team) team members – Must pick two or three 6-hour on-call shifts every three weeks. These are 2nd responders that respond for things like home fires and flooding (small scale disasters). They receive a call from our hotline volunteer/Duty officer and…

Lānaʻi Culture and Heritage Center

Lānaʻi Culture and Heritage Center

On January 18th 2020, the Lānaʿi Culture & Heritage Center (Lānaʿi CHC) celebrated its 13th year as a community heritage center, and 10th year at its climate controlled museum facility. This non-profit heritage organization seeks to inspire people to be informed, thoughtful and active stewards of Lāna‘i’s heritage by preserving, interpreting and celebrating its natural…