Kaua’i Climate Action Coalition
Mission The Kauai Climate Action Coalition works collaboratively to educate, advocate and take direct action to address the climate crisis. Vision Kauai is an equitable, sustainable and resilient island community with net zero emissions guided by the principles of ‘aloha aina’ Not for Profit grassroots community organization formed in 2019
Summer Fun Early Literacy
We need volunteers to help provide literacy activities at three Summer Fun sites from June 13 to July 21. We will provide books for the kids and training for volunteers. Commitment is one hour per week. Sites include Kalaheo, Lihue, and Anahola.
VA Pacific Islands Healthcare System
VA Pacific Islands Healthcare System depends on the goodwill of donors and volunteers who want to give something back to America’s heroes. Volunteers provide much-needed help throughout the health care system and make patients’ experiences more enjoyable. Many different volunteer opportunities are available, and each volunteer’s talents are closely matched with one of our assignments….
Virtual Volunteer Information Session
Become a Red Cross Volunteer Today! Every day, the Red Cross sees the heartbreak of people coping with more intense storms, heavier rainfall, higher temperatures, stronger hurricanes and more devastating wildfires. As more people rely on the Red Cross for help, the need for compassionate volunteers has never been greater. Help comfort and support people…
Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges
Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges serves as a nonprofit “Friends Group,” supporting the environmental and wildlife conservation, historic preservation and community education programs of the Kauaʻi National Wildlife Refuge Complex, which is administered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and includes Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Hanalei NWR and Hulēʻia NWR. The organization…
YWCA Kaua’i
24 Hour Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Hotline, Crisis counseling, risk assessment, information, referrals, safety planning, and support for survivors in Kaua’i County 24 hours a day. CALL: (808) 245-6362 Web chat and text support services. Available Monday through Friday, 10 am – 10 pm; Send a text to (808) 245-6362 or chat with us…
Ōhi‘a Lehua Tree Planting
Join the COK’s Employee Council on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:30am as we plant an Ōhi‘a lehua tree to celebrate Earth Day! Ōhi‘a lehua is the most common native Hawaiian tree, comprising 80% of Hawai‘i’s native forests. Ōhi‘a trees are imperative to our native ecosystems, providing food and shelter for many native and endangered…