Volunteer – Mokio Preserve

Volunteer – Mokio Preserve

Tue/Wed/Thur 8AM-2PM Volunteer activities are determined by the time of year, weather, and program activities at the time. Common activities for our volunteers include, invasive species removal, out planting of common and rare native species, seed collecting, nursery work/plant propagation, fence repairs/maintenance, etc. Bring a good-sized personal water container and sack lunch/snacks. Additional water will…

Volunteer – Mokio Preserve

Volunteer – Mokio Preserve

Tue/Wed/Thur 8AM-2PM Volunteer activities are determined by the time of year, weather, and program activities at the time. Common activities for our volunteers include, invasive species removal, out planting of common and rare native species, seed collecting, nursery work/plant propagation, fence repairs/maintenance, etc. Bring a good-sized personal water container and sack lunch/snacks. Additional water will…