Fiscal sponsorships
Kanu Hawaiʻi is a founding partner of Zero Waste Oʻahu and has served as a fiscal sponsor of Pono Home, Shifted Energy, March for Science, Hui Aloha and KKCC. Read about how we’ve collaborated and the work that these organizations do to improve local communities.

King Kamehameha Celebration Commission
King Kamehameha Celebration Commission honors King Kamehameha the Great for creating a unified island kingdom with strength and intelligence. Annual festivities, including the Lei Draping ceremony, Pā‘ū, and other statewide Kamehameha Day parade events, commemorate the June 11 holiday.

Zero Waste Oʻahu
Zero Waste Oʻahu is building a healthier future, with a balanced consumer culture and less waste, through a system of proactive interventions in our current production methods, purchasing practices, and waste management, systems. Kanu Hawaiʻi collaborated with Kokua Hawaiʻi Foundation, Surfrider Oʻahu, Sustainable Coastlines Hawaiʻi, and the Sierra Club of Hawaii to establish Zero Waste Oʻahu.

Shifted Energy
Shifted Energy develops and deploys integrated solutions to retrofit electric water heaters into grid-interactive energy storage devices at low cost and massive scale. Shifted Energy began as a project under Kanu Hawaii and has since grown into an for-profit, social venture that Kanu retains an ownership stake in, but stands alone outside of the nonprofit. Incubating this social enterprise and spinning it off to become their own entity allows us to increase our overall capacity to address social issues while growing social change agents.

Hui Aloha
Hui Aloha grows community through conducting outreach to the houseless community, organizing service activities, and building relationships to take care of place and each other. Hui Aloha was a concept originally conceived and currently operated by Kanu Hawaiʻi founders. The idea of a “lifetime of service” is embodied by these kuleana practitioners. Kanu Hawaiʻi is honored to play a supportive role to its founding members, or any community members, that wish to step forward and organize to solve local challenges. Services such as fiscal sponsorships are just one way Kanu Hawaiʻi helps extend reach and impact across Hawaiʻi.

Pono Home
Pono Home provides free “green home” audits that help homeowners understand the causes of high utility bills (e.g. electronics, lighting, appliances, leaks, and more). Kanu Hawaiʻi partnered with Pono Home on a grant to provide energy efficiency upgrades to low-income Kauaʻi residents through a direct install home visit program.

March For Science
March for Science celebrates the scientific process mai ka lewa lani i luna a ka papakū i lalo loa (from the heavens above to the earth below). Kanu Hawaii provided a formal structure for a group of University of Hawaiʻi professors to host the March and processed all donations.