Kauai Planning and Action Alliance

What We Do

KPAA convenes collaborative work to improve outcomes for children, birth to age 24. We serve as the backbone for the Kauai Resilience Project, which aims to reduce youth suicide by building resilience skills and assets. We do maternal and child health outreach and navigation. We also do early childhood learning system coordination work.

Who We Are

KPAA provides a forum for the community on issues that matter most to Kauai. We serve as a neutral convener and facilitator, bringing together and guiding action teams and committees to develop and implement solutions to Kauai’s priority issues. Today, we are focusing our efforts on the critical need to prepare our young people for success, to be sure they are ready to learn and ready for life. Building Kaua`i’s foundational resource – our young people – will insure that they have the opportunity to achieve a robust quality of life for themselves and their ohana. In addition, Kaua`i will be positioned with a strong, diverse workforce who will care for our aina and help our island economy thrive. To bring together diverse organizations for collaborative planning and action to achieve targeted community goals.
We carry out our mission by fostering creative solutions and aligning efforts among those who shape the destiny of our island:

  • Providing a safe and open forum for dialogue.
  • Setting priorities based on current data and indicators.
  • Collecting and publishing indicators data on trends, progress, and outcomes related to our priorities.
  • Targeting specific actions and being committed continuous improvement to reach them

Cause Areas

Keiki, Social Services, Health & Wellness, Education & Training, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support

Kauai Planning and Action Alliance

Volunteer Opportunities

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