Kupuna Needs project

What We Do

The Kupuna Needs Project is a service for elderly (62 years or older) and immunocompromised individuals on Oahu, who are at risk of the dangers of the COVID-19 virus, to get necessities such as food, toiletries, & cleaning supplies delivered to their residence.

Who We Are

Ryan Fielding created the Kupuna Needs Project in March 2020 alongside John Fielding, Dallas Carter, Ron Gochenouer, Jared Zick, and Riley Lau. At the time, he was finishing up his Senior Year at Moanalua High School as the Class President. But, when the COVID-19 Pandemic hit the State of Hawaii, he decided to make his top priority his community, more specifically: our Kupuna. It just so happened that Ryan was also a Boy Scout with St. Theresa Co-Cathedral’s Troop 39 and needed to organize his Eagle Scout Service Project. So, he combined his love for his community and his journey to Eagle to create the Kupuna Needs Project.

Cause Areas

Housing & Homelessness|Social Services|Community Engagement

Kupuna Needs project

Volunteer Opportunities

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