City and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality Division
What We Do
The quality of the water that enters the City’s drainage system directly impacts the health of our island because these waters flow untreated to our natural waterways and ocean.Storm Water Quality Division’s (SWQ) mission is to empower and provide guidance on minimizing our impact on water quality in order to protect public health and the environment. SWQ works with City departments as well as public businesses, agencies, and individuals to foster shared responsibility for protection of our wai (water).
City and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality Division
Volunteer Opportunities
Storm Drain markers
Storm Drain Marking is a simple volunteer activity that involves marking storm drains with a placard that sends a message…
Adopt-a-Block/Channel cleanups volunteer information
Adopt-A-Block (AAB) and Channel Cleanups are simple steps residents can take to help improve the quality of streams and be Everyday Clean…